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Baby Rashes and How To Treat Them

A baby’s body is sensitive that is vulnerable to any kinds of illness or conditions. This is the same with their skin as well. Rashes commonly appear in babies and as a mother you don’t want your baby to see uncomfortable. Here are some common types of rashes and how to treat them.

Diaper rash or nappy rash - This is the type of rash that babies commonly suffer from. This occurs when the baby’s diaper is wet and stays too long at the baby’s bottom. If it is left untreated, this can lead to blisters, bleeding and broken skin. Most mommies put baby powder to relieve the itchiness but there are diaper rash creams on the market that can be bought.

Cradle Cap – is common among newborns. It is said that this is due to hormones being transferred from the mother in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Cradle caps appear as yellow crusty patches in baby’s head and it’s more like dandruff in adults. Baby’s head are sensitive so make sure to gently wash their head to rinse the residue. Follow up with a soft-bristled brush to gently rub away the scales. To be on the safe side, ask your pediatrician if you can use adult shampoo or anti-dandruff shampoos like head and shoulder as a treatment for cradle cap.

Prickly Heat – is quite popular among children, particularly newborns. This usually occurs during summer or hot season where baby’s skin caused by overheating. You’ll notice some small raised bumps, and usually a light red color. It can be treated with cool, damp washcloths. Some use baking soda as a home remedy to treat the rash.

Sometimes, it’s hard to identify if it’s only a rash or a serious disease, especially if you’re a first time. So, it’s important to look after your baby all of the time and if there are other symptoms that you notice other than rashes, always seek medical help.


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