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Making Your Baby Smarter

Some babies are genetically born smart while some are developed as they grow. Of course, as parents we want our babies to be intellectually active, and it is our duty to nurture and harness their full potential from birth.

In the busy lives of every parent, it is important to find time to focus on your child’s development. There’s no excuse as your child’s intellectual capacity and ability depends on how you raise him.

Here are some ways that you can do for your baby’s early learning development:

  1. Take a walk with your baby. Your baby wants to see the world not just your living room or bedroom. It’s mentally stimulating for your baby to see something different than what he sees usually every day.As you take your baby to a walk, say the words that you see like cars, road, and birds for example. The baby becomes aware with his environment and knows the things as what they are.

  1. Limitations with TV’s and gadgets. In this techno time, many parents use TV’s and gadgets as a way to baby sit their baby when they are doing some chores. There’s nothing wrong with it but make sure that you let your baby watch some educational programs rather than kiddie shows. Letting your baby watch educational programs will help them interact and aid him with interest in learning.

  2. Praise your baby. Every time you teach your baby something and he makes it right, praise your baby. For example, when you try to let him say, “mama” or “papa” and he utters the word, smile and clap your hands and say, “good boy” or “good girl”. This will make your baby more determined to please you.

There are more ways you can make your baby smarter. The important thing is that your presence in every milestones of your baby, may it be small or big.

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